Ask the Editor: Highlights

Ask the Editor is a forum on writing, style and phrasing issues that go beyond the pages of the AP Stylebook. AP Stylebook editor Paula Froke fields questions posed by subscribers to AP Stylebook Online. Below is a sampling of recent questions Paula has answered.

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Question from Washington, District of Columbia, on Sept. 17, 2024

Is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, on second use, "NHTSA," or "the NHTSA"? I've seen different federal agency abbreviations treated with and without the article, even in the stylebook, and don't know how to determine which to use in each case. Thank you.


There's no specific rule. It's idiomatic. And sometimes, such an abbreviation is commonly used both with and without the article. NHTSA is commonly referred to without the article. The FBI is commonly referred to with the article. WHO and the WHO, not to mention AP and the AP, are commonly referred to either way.

Question from Grafton, North Dakota, on Aug. 27, 2024

How do you abbreviate a state when a Senator is listed as John Doe (R-ND or N.D.) or (D-Minn. or MN)


First, we lowercase the word senator (and any title) when standing alone as in your example. Our style is Sen. John Doe, R-N.D., and Sen. Mary Hernandez, D-Minn.  No parentheses and no postal codes.

The party affiliations entry gives more detail.

Question from Middletown, Delaware, on Dec. 11, 2023

Although a common acronym for our business writing, I'm assuming AP would say to spell out computer numerical control for CNC on first reference? 


We would, yes. If it's so commonly known among your readers that spelling it out on first reference would look silly, then don't spell it out. But if at least some of your readers might not understand, then it's best to spell it out.

Question from Washington, District of Columbia, on Oct. 12, 2023

Hi! Thanks for the thorough AI guidance. Wondering whether you're considering allowing AI on first reference. I know style evolves (internet used to be Internet, email used to have a hyphen). So, thinking most readers will understand AI on first reference. Thanks again.


Not at this time. But certainly that's something we'd consider in the future. 

Remember, a lot of people have trouble with AI without the periods, thinking we're talking about some guy named Al. And it's harder if there's not a spelled-out first reference.

Also, just because you and I understand AI on first reference doesn't mean my mom, my sister, and many other readers are as attuned.

Question from Little Rock, Arkansas, on Oct. 11, 2023

On first reference of an interstate, do you need to put the abbreviation in parentheses as you would an acronym when it's going to be used again? For example: "Interstate 49 (I-49) will be closed at Exit 21." Or can you just say Interstate 49 on first reference and I-49 on second reference?


We don't put abbreviations in parentheses. Our style would be Interstate 49 on first reference and I-49 on second reference.

Question from Plano, Texas, on Oct. 22, 2024

Can you confirm which response is correct for if the sequential designations rule applies to Year 1, Year 1, Year 3 ... ? The last response stated that the outdated response would be deleted but it doesn't look like either of them have been deleted. Should we capitalize Year 1, Year 2?


Yes, Year 1 and Year 2 should be capitalized in keeping with this section of the numerals entry, added a year or so ago:

Sequential designations: Generally use figures, but spell out ordinal numbers ninth and under. Capitalize the first letter for a single designation: Act 3, Exit 2, Game 3, Phase 1, Room 6, Size 12, Stage 3, Category 4, Type 2. Use lowercase for plurals: sizes 6 and 8, exits 4 and 5, acts 1 and 2, verses 2 and 9. It’s Verse 1 but the first verse; Game 4 but the fourth game.

The previous answers should now be deleted; not sure why that didn't happen before, but thank you for asking. In general, if there are discrepancies, go with the most recent response. But I do very much appreciate when people bring these to my attention. Going through item by item and updating everything would be a full-time job.

Question from Washington, District of Columbia, on Sept. 25, 2024

Greetings! Popemobile - capitalized or not? Is this even an accepted term? I'd imagine it comes up at least in quotes. It seems most AP stories have lowercased it. Thanks!


Yes, lowercase.

Question from South Carolina, on Sept. 14, 2024

Would you capitalize the categories in a pageant? Example: The Little Miss XYZ Pageant is Oct. 4. Children may be entered in the Wee Miss, Little Miss, Young Miss and Preteen Miss categories. My sense is to lowercase them, but I wanted you all to weigh in. Thank you!


We generally avoid excessive capitalization, and we lowercase sports divisions such as welterweight. But there are times when you need to do what makes most sense or "looks best," as odd as that may sound. In this case, not capitalizing wee miss or little miss looks a little off. I'd capitalize.

Question from Westwood, Massachusetts, on Aug. 26, 2024

Hi, Paula: Would you uppercase steel city here: There are many great restaurants in the steel city.


If that's a well known nickname for the city (Pittsburgh?) then yes, capitalize it.


Capitalize city if part of a proper name, an integral part of an official name, or a regularly used nickname: Kansas City, New York City, Windy City, City of Light, Fun City.
Lowercase elsewhere: a Texas city; the city government; the city Board of Education; and all city of phrases: the city of Boston.
Capitalize when part of a formal title before a name: City Manager Francis McGrath. Lowercase when not part of the formal title: city Health Commissioner Frank Smith.

Question from Phoenix, Arizona, on July 13, 2024


I'm looking for guidance around articles that are part of nicknames and when AP would capitalize them. Typically, we would lowercase "the" in a composition title, for example, or in your examples given for popular names in the "capitalization" entry (e.g., the South Side, the Badlands) or the "pseudonyms, nicknames" entry (e.g., the Old Dominion). What I'm finding tricky are nicknames such as "The Rock" or "The Undertaker," as you have capped the article in your answer to a question published June 23, 2023:

In this example, which would AP prefer?

1. We spoke to the man they call "The Horse Whisperer."
2. We spoke to the man they call the "Horse Whisperer."
3. We spoke to the man they call "the Horse Whisperer."

I find this also would apply to, say, musical groups: Is it "The Beatles" or "the Beatles"? You answered a similar question in 2019, but the answer was rather "I don't really know…sometimes we do and sometimes we don't."

Many thanks to you for your input.


Well, the answer about the Beatles or The Beatles pretty much applies to this as well. I realize that's not helpful. Or maybe it is, because you don't have to feel constricted by rules, rules, rules ...

Generally, though, I'd say we wouldn't capitalize The in a nickname. After all, it's a nickname, not a proper name like, well, The Beatles. So I'd go with your second option.

Question from on Oct. 18, 2024

Is it correct to write:  October 10, at 4:00 pm? Or can the comma be removed?


The comma can be removed. Our style is Oct. 10 at 4 p.m. (abbreviating the month when used with a specific date, and not using the :00)


Capitalize the names of months in all uses. When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate only Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. Spell out when using alone, or with a year alone.
When a phrase lists only a month and a year, do not separate the year with commas. When a phrase refers to a month, day and year, set off the year with commas.
EXAMPLES: January 2016 was a cold month. Jan. 2 was the coldest day of the month. His birthday is May 8. Feb. 14, 2013, was the target date. She testified that it was Friday, Dec. 3, when the crash occurred.
In tabular material, use these three-letter forms without a period: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.
See dates and years.


Use figures except for noon and midnight. Use a colon to separate hours from minutes: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 9-11 a.m., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Avoid such redundancies as 10 a.m. this morning, 10 p.m. tonight or 10 p.m. Monday night. Use 10 a.m. or 10 p.m. Monday, etc., as required by the norms in time element.
The construction 4 o'clock is acceptable, but time listings with a.m. or p.m. are preferred.

Question from Washington, on Jan. 31, 2024

What is the accepted way to reference a decade in AP style? Is it to spell it out (ex. 1960s) or can it be shortened (ex. '60s)?


Either is fine. The longer form is more formal and the shorter more informal, so use what's appropriate for your piece and your audience.


Use Arabic figures to indicate decades of history. Use an apostrophe to indicate numerals that are left out; show plural by adding the letter s: the 1890s, the '90s, the Gay '90s, the 1920s, the mid-1930s


Question from Casper, Wyoming, on Sept. 11, 2023

Hello Paula!

I have a question that is driving me crazy. Here is the sentence in question:

The event will begin with a social hour and cash bar, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Cavigelli’s presentation will start at 7, followed by a live auction at 7:30.

The director of this event wanted :00 after 7. When I explained that that was not AP Style, she responded with an email that included a photo of her 2017 AP Stylebook and this comment: “My copy doesn’t specify that 7:00 is objectionable.  Please list it as either p.m. or :00.”
Help! Which is correct, per AP?

Thank you!


There's a line between following AP style to the letter, and doing what's necessary to keep the customer satisfied (within reason).

It's true that we don't say 7:00 is objectionable. But when we say our style is 7 p.m., it's implied that our style is not 7:00 p.m.

The good news: She gave the option of including p.m. and I think that's a reasonable option. In our heart of hearts, we think the p.m. is pretty apparent (the presentation wouldn't start at 7 a.m. following a 6:30 p.m. dinner). But including the p.m. dresses up the stand-alone 7 a bit and wouldn't strike most people as odd. 

So how about: 

The event will begin with a social hour and cash bar, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Cavigelli’s presentation will start at 7 p.m., followed by a live auction at 7:30 p.m.

Or if the organizers are really in love with :00, then go with it. We need flexibility ...

Question from KANSAS CITY, Missouri, on April 14, 2023

Would there be a comma after 2021 in this: "between February 1, 2021 and February 22, 2023, the ..."


Yes, a comma after 2021. Also: In AP style, we abbreviate most months when used with a date. So our style is: between Feb. 1, 2021, and Feb. 22, 2023, the ...

Question from Austin, Texas, on Nov. 15, 2022

I see your entry on time but would like clarification. Which style would be best for this type of sentence: Join us from 9-11 a.m. OR Join us 9-11 a.m.
I typically like to use "from" and "to" when I use one or another. But I also like sticking to your style and using a hyphen. The "from" in the first example seems to make the sentence flow better.


Yes: Join us from 9-11 a.m. But, we also are just fine with no hyphen. See the end of the below section from the times entry. So you easily could write: Join us from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Use figures except for noon and midnight. Use a colon to separate hours from minutes: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 9-11 a.m., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Question from my couch, on Oct. 14, 2024

Previous questions about how to handle television seasons — Is "Season 2" capped? Does it use a numeral or word? — haven't gotten definitive answers. Would it be possible to add an entry creating a standard for this?


First, I like your location. Second, we added a sequential designations section to the numerals entry. Our style is Season 2.

Sequential designations: Generally use figures, but spell out ordinal numbers ninth and under. Capitalize the first letter for a single designation: Act 3, Exit 2, Game 3, Phase 1, Room 6, Size 12, Stage 3, Category 4, Type 2. Use lowercase for plurals: sizes 6 and 8, exits 4 and 5, acts 1 and 2, verses 2 and 9. It’s Verse 1 but the first verse; Game 4 but the fourth game.

Question from Annapolis, Maryland, on June 26, 2024

In legal and technical writing, I sometime see numbers spelled out followed by the Arabic numeral in parenthesis, e.g., fifteen (15) units. This seems anachronistic to me. What is the correct usage?


We don't do that in AP style. Other style guides might call for it in some types of writing. There's no "correct" usage. It's a matter of which style you follow.

Question from New York, New York, on June 25, 2024

Does the numerals in headlines rule apply to ordinals? 
"For Tesla's futuristic new Cybertruck, a fourth recall"


Yes. From the headlines entry:

— Use numerals; do not spell out numbers except in casual uses or formal names: hundreds instead of 100s; Big Ten; one of the first. Spell out ordinals under 10: first, ninth, etc. But: 10th, 23rd, 104th.

Question from Warrenton, Virginia, on May 13, 2024

Can you start a sentence with the numeral with the word million such as...
“$44 million to treat an operation...
or do you write it out..."Forty-four million dollars to treat an operation...


We spell out numbers when they start a sentence. But it's much better to rephrase to avoid that situation. Assuming it's not exactly $44 million: about $44 million, at least $44 million, almost $44 million, more than $44 million ... whichever is accurate could be used to start the sentence.

Question from on May 13, 2024

How would you talk about the data mentioned in this sentence? "We adjusted the original adult definition of complexity from adults with > 4 out of 10 specified health conditions to adults with >4 out of 8 conditions."

Would you keep the symbols? 


We use figures for ratios (1 in 4 voters). But I wouldn't consider your example a ratio. So I'd use words: adults with more than four of eight conditions. And we definitely wouldn't use the > symbol.

Question from on July 01, 2024

"A group of Republicans in Congress has/have introduced a proposal"?

Does the answer depend on whether the subject of the sentence is "group" or "Republicans" (and in that case which is it)? Or is the answer determined by whichever word is closest to the verb?


A group ... has proposed. Yes, the subject is group and that dictates the singular verb.

Question from Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Oct. 30, 2023

Hello, my question is concerning comma usage in when introducing poem, book, and podcast episode titles. I've searched your site and have not come across clear direction, and appreciate any clarity you can provide using the examples below:

When introducing a poem title:
Option A
Benjamin Gucciardi reads his poem, "The Rungs."
Option B
Benjamin Gucciardi reads his poem "The Rungs."

And in referencing the episode title of a podcast:
Option A
This poem was featured in Benjamin's conversation with April, "The Poetry We're Reading Now."
Option B
This poem was featured in Benjamin's conversation with April "The Poetry We're Reading Now."


These fall under the category of essential or nonessential phrases. Read the full entry for details.

In your first example, the answer depends on whether Gucciardi has one poem, or more than one. If he has only one poem, the name of the title is nonessential and thus the comma is used. If he has more than one poem, the name of this one is essential and there is no comma in that construction.

In your second example, it depends on whether he has only one conversation with April. In that case, use the comma.

If he has more than one conversation with April, no comma.

I know this can be confusing. But I think the entry spells it out reasonably well.

Question from Washington, District of Columbia, on Sept. 30, 2023

Question about a subhed in a news story. Wording as published is:
On Florida’s Gulf Coast, a loose coalition of activists, officials and Trumpworld celebrities is building the world they want to live in
Seems odd to me to have to use a singular verb for coalition when the sentence is clearly about many people and the world they want to live in. Certainly it wouldn't be the world it wants to live in. Are there exceptions to the singular rule for certain constructions using words like coalition?


I have pages of notes about this, focusing on the concept of notional agreement and the principle of proximity. Grammarians have differing views. We don't address it thoroughly in the Stylebook, yet. But in short: You'd have plenty of support in using the plural are for the verb. I'm among those in support.

Question from Fortville, Indiana, on Sept. 29, 2023

I would love to get your thoughts on a question that comes up frequently at my organization regarding the use of the word "talent." The answer to this question is helpful, but suppose for reasons outside your control you needed to use this word to refer to multiple individuals. Which of the following examples would you prefer?
These three talents have the strongest performance. (Pluralize talent with an "s")
These three talent has the strongest performance. (Collective noun taking singular verb--this seems weird.)
These three talent have the strongest performance. (Treat plural of "talent" like "deer")


Could you possibly let the people outside your control know that the AP Stylebook editor strongly (VERY strongly) recommends against this use, and can't find support for it in major dictionaries? There's a distinct fingernails-on-chalkboard effect. I could go on. And on and on.

OK, but if you have to use it, I guess I'd choose the first option. Definitely not the second. Maybe the third. It's hard to say what correct usage is for something that's not correct usage however you do it ...

Question from Fargo, North Dakota, on Sept. 14, 2023

"Their passion and focus on agriculture are evident and apparent." 

Ignoring any other potential problems with this sentence, my proofreading team feels the "are" should be changed to "is." It sounds really odd to us otherwise. However, when two nouns are joined by "and," the verb should be plural. Is "are" here incorrect? Would you change it? (Assuming rewording isn't an option.)

Thank you! 


It depends on on whether you view passion and focus as one concept (taking a singular verb) or two distinct concepts (taking a plural verb). In your example, I agree that the are simply sounds odd (not that sounds odd is a technical term, but it matters). And certainly passion and focus can be viewed as one concept. So I agree: Use the singular is.

On another note, I question whether you need both evident and apparent. How about one or the other? The two together are redundant. (Maybe that's one of your other potential problems!)

Question from on Oct. 02, 2024

Not sure whether my first question on this went through.

Do I understand the new BULLETED LIST guidance? 

List items without periods (phrases): 

Our specialties are:
 - Web development and design
 - E-commerce solutions
 - Digital marketing strategies 

Our services:
 - Home cleaning and organization
 - Yard maintenance and landscaping
 - Event planning and coordination 

List items with periods (complete sentences): 

Our company's achievements:
 - Google developed innovative AI solutions.
 - Amazon expanded its sustainable practices.
 - Facebook launched new privacy features. 

Our team's expertise:
 - John Smith has 10 years of experience in software engineering.
 - Jane Doe is a certified financial planner.
 - Bob Johnson has a Ph.D. in environmental science. 

List items without punctuation (single words): 

My favorite hobbies include:
 - Reading
 - Hiking
 - Painting 

Our social media platforms are:
 - Facebook
 - Twitter
 - Instagram 

- No punctuation after single words or phrases.
 - Periods after complete sentences.
 - Parallel construction for each item.
 - Space between dash/bullet and first word.
 - Capitalize first word after dash/bullet. 

Thank you.


Yes, except for the final example, which shouldn't have periods after the first four (not complete sentences) and which doesn't have a parallel structure (last item is a complete sentence).

Question from New York, New York, on Sept. 24, 2024

What is your guidance on when (or if) "hand count" should be hyphenated in cases such as "a statewide hand count" or "I hand-counted ballots"?


Our guidance: 

hand-count, hand-counting, hand-counted
With a hyphen in all uses: Hand-counting resumed Wednesday. They hand-counted the ballots. (Or: The ballots were counted by hand.) The hand-counted ballots were added to the results. They seek to expand the hand-count of ballots. (Or … the hand-counting of ballots; either is fine).

Question from Medford, New Jersey, on Sept. 11, 2024

My staff and I disagree about how to treat a parenthetical that comes at the end of a sentence. I think if it is a complete sentence, it should be treated as such, meaning the text before it ends with a period and then the parenthetical has a period inside it. They put the period outside of the parenthesis and treat it all as one (often long) sentence. Is there an AP rule to end this debate?


Here's the full guidance in the parentheses entry.

I think this section addresses your question:

PUNCTUATION: Place a period outside a closing parenthesis if the material inside is not a sentence (such as this fragment).
(An independent parenthetical sentence such as this one takes a period before the closing parenthesis.)
When a phrase placed in parentheses (this one is an example) might normally qualify as a complete sentence but is dependent on the surrounding material, do not capitalize the first word or end with a period.

Question from on Aug. 26, 2024

Is it grammatically correct to use two colons in one sentence? For example, the following is a line from an article I'm editing: "You'll understand once you read this article: Everything you need to know: Scoring [test name] for your students."


I don't know if there's any specific rule against it. But I sure wouldn't do it. It makes the reader's head spin. I don't even know what that sentence means!

Question from Wenatchee, on July 09, 2024

When ending a sentence or clause with an acronym such as a.m. or U.S.A., should one use two periods or just one? 

For example, should one use "He went to the U.S.A.." or "He went to the U.S.A." ?


Just one period.

Question from California, on June 26, 2024

This entry suggests the use of an apostrophe for "how-to's":

But it seems that Merriam Webster omits the apostrophe ("how-tos"):

Can you please clarify?


We have one style; Merriam-Webster has another. Either can be correct. Choose the one you prefer. (We are generally, but not always, in synch with our primary dictionary. That's always been the case.)

Question from Corvallis, Oregon, on July 19, 2022

The official stylebook entry for FAQ says just that — FAQ. That entry was created in 2002. But an Ask the Editor response from 2020 says FAQs. Which is correct? Thanks in advance.


It's FAQ for one set of questions/answers: Please read the FAQ on track racing. If you have separate FAQs on different topics, it's FAQs: Please read the FAQs on track racing and mountain bike racing.

Question from Longmont, Colorado, on April 08, 2022

How should I pluralize PFAS (perfluoroalkyl substance)?


Our style is PFAS for both the singular and plural. Here's the entry.

Question from Pawcatuck, Connecticut, on Oct. 22, 2024

Hello! I would appreciate clarification the AP Stylebooks stance on "childcare" versus "child care." An older entry in the Stylebook says it should always been two words, but Merriam Webster says it is one word. Any updated guidance? 


We don't always agree 100% with our primary dictionary. In this case, our style is two words. Merriam-Webster uses one word. Either can be correct; they're just different styles. Up to you which you want to use.

Question from on Oct. 03, 2024

If AP is sticking with timeline as one word, contrary to the dictionary entry as two words, it would be helpful if you added a specific entry in the style section for timeline. 


Happy news: Merriam-Webster is changing to one word for timeline. That update should appear in the near future.

Question from United States, on Oct. 02, 2024

Is it half time, halftime or half-time when referencing a student or employment and not a sports-related term?


It's half-time outside sports contexts. Here's the relevant section of the prefixes entry:

half- Hyphenated combinations include half-baked, half-life, half-truth, half-moon, half-cocked, half-hearted (the latter a 2024 change). Two-word combinations without a hyphen include half dozen, half brother, half off. One word, no hyphen, for some words including halfback, halftone.

Also: halftime as a noun, in keeping with widespread practice in sports copy. But half-time as an adjective outside sports contexts.

Question from Evanston, Illinois, on Aug. 27, 2024

AP has changed guidance on using hyphens in anti constructions but has a number of exceptions. Should it be anti-tumor and anti-cancer, or antitumor and anticancer?


Our style is antitumor and anticancer, which is our general style for anti- and is the style used by Merriam-Webster for both of those.

Question from on July 15, 2024

Hi Paula and the AP Team,
Meriam-Webster closes both "countrywide" and "citywide". In a document that uses both words, how would you style "Kingdom wide" as a postpositive adjective? 
Kingdom wide
Thank you!


Note the second part of that section of the suffixes entry. Could you rephrase?

-wide No hyphen for commonly recognized terms such as citywide, countywide, statewide, storewide, worldwide. But use a hyphen — or don’t use the construction at all — when combining with a proper noun and/or when the unhyphenated form would be awkward or hard to read, such as hospitalwide, NASAwide, Europewide. Often, it’s better to rephrase.


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